Here is an outline of the common error codes and resolutions you may encounter while using the MO Technologies API onboarding endpoints.

MO Technologies uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.

Codes in the 2xx range indicate successful responses. The 4xx range indicates client-side errors, while the 5xx range indicates server-side errors.

See what codes are returned by MO Technologies API:

HTTP Status Code Status Description
200 Ok Successful response.
201 Created Successfully created response.
400 Invalid Segment The score value or the product name does not match the program manager's existing products.
Invalid Customer The external_id of the customer already exists.
Invalid Score The score amount or line_of_credit exceeds the available amount for the segment or product_id.
Invalid Product The product_id sent on the request does not exist on the credit card product.
Invalid Payment Day The payment day sent on the request is not configured on the credit card product.
Not Allowed The anonymous cards process is NOT allowed for this program manager.
500 Internal server error Internal error.