The process for initiating and resolving disputes in MO and Galileo integration involves three distinct procedures. The first procedure involves initiating a dispute, followed by steps to determine if the dispute was awarded or not. Below, you will find the steps outlining each of these procedures.
Initiate a dispute process
Initiating a dispute involves the following steps:
- The cardholder reports a dispute to the PM via any channel available User Interface (app or Web), phone, or any other available.
- PM reports a dispute in Galileo's platform.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO's Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Dispute_Created notifying the disputed transaction.
- MO's Credit Card Core freezes the disputed transaction/loan in the ledger without accruing interests and excludes it if the resolution is unavailable before the statement date.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO's Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Adj notifying the adjusted OTB.
- MO's Credit Card Core informs the PM via Webhook about the loan freeze and OTB update.
Dispute awarded process
When the cardholder is awarded a dispute, the following steps will take place:
- The cardholder is awarded the dispute.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO's Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Dispute_Final_Pc, notifying the dispute has been awarded to the cardholder.
- MO's Credit Card Core adjusts transaction status in the ledger to cancel.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Adj, notifying the adjusted OTB.
- MO Credit Card Core informs the PM via Webhook about the confirmation of the dispute resolution and OTB update.
Dispute not awarded process
When the cardholder is not awarded a dispute, the following steps will take place:
- The cardholder is not awarded the dispute.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Dispute_Final_No_Pc, notifying the dispute has not been awarded to the cardholder.
- MO's Credit Card Core adjusts transaction status in the ledger to cancel.
- Leveraging in native integration, MO Credit Card Core receives Galileo's Event API Adj, notifying the adjusted OTB.
- MO Credit Card Core informs the PM via Webhook about the confirmation of the dispute resolution and OTB update.
To summarize the steps taken above for the entire dispute process, please refer to the diagram below:
Updated 11 months ago