Within the Admin Portal, a dedicated report panel enables you to download every type of report that MO offers. This feature allows you to easily access and download reports that are relevant to your needs. With the report panel, you can quickly and efficiently gather the information required to make informed business decisions.

Available reports

MO will generate daily and monthly reports for LOC scores, card account holders and details, pre-loan requests, loans, payments, and disputes.

Below, you will find the list of reports and the fields they include:

Score (LOC)
Field Description
CUSTOMER_ID A unique identifier assigned to each customer for individual tracking and reference.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID A unique identifier assigned to the card account for accurate and distinct identification.
PRE_APPROVED_LINE_OF_CREDIT The predetermined amount of credit preapproved for the customer, expressed in the local currency.
SCORE The result from a scoring model indicating the creditworthiness of the customer, represented as a value between 0 and 1.
SCORE_DATE The date on which the scoring model was applied to generate the customer's credit score.
Card account holder
Field Description
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer for individual tracking and reference.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account for accurate and distinct identification.
ACCOUNT_OWNER Name of the individual who owns the account.
ACCOUNT_TYPE Type of account in the processor (Primary or Secondary).
ACCOUNT_STATUS Status of the card account: Frozen, Blocked, Active, Canceled, Archived.
PRODUCT_ID Unique identifier for the associated product.
LINE_OF_CREDIT Current approved line of credit.
AVAILABLE_AMOUNT Amount of the credit line currently available for use.
TOTAL_DEBT Total amount of outstanding debt.
PAY_OFF_AMOUNT Amount needed to avoid ordinary interest charges.
MINIMUM_PAYMENT Minimum amount required to be paid each billing cycle.
POSITIVE_BALANCE_AMOUNT Available balance that the account owner can expend.
CLOSING_DATE Date to close the billing cycle.
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATE Maximum date by which the minimum payment must be made.
LAST_PAYMENTS Total sum of payments made in the last billing cycle.
HEALTH_STATUS Current health status of the loan: Up to date, 1 overdue installment, 1+ overdue installments, Over maximum payment date, Bad debt.
LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE Date of the last transaction made by the client.
CANCELED_ACCOUNT_DATE Maximum date by which the minimum payment must be made.
Card account detail
Field Description
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account.
ACCOUNT_OWNER Name of the individual owning the account.
ACCOUNT_TYPE Type of account in the processor (Primary or Secondary).
ACCOUNT_STATUS Status of the card account: Frozen, Blocked, Active, Canceled, Archived.
PRODUCT_ID Unique identifier for the associated product.
OFFER_ID Unique identifiers for all associated offers.
LINE_OF_CREDIT Current approved line of credit.
NUMBER_OF_RELATED_CARDS Number of credit cards or PRN related to the account.
AVAILABLE_AMOUNT Amount of the credit line currently available for use.
TOTAL_DEBT Total amount of outstanding debt.
PAY_OFF_AMOUNT Amount needed to avoid ordinary interest charges.
MINIMUM_PAYMENT Minimum amount required to be paid each billing cycle.
POSITIVE_BALANCE_AMOUNT Available balance that the account owner can expend.
CLOSING_DATE Date to close the billing cycle.
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATE Maximum date by which the minimum payment must be made.
LAST_PAYMENTS Total sum of payments made in the last billing cycle.
CAPITAL_DEBT Total amount owed in capital.
FIXED_INTALLMENTS_DEBT Total amount owed in capital that is due in fixed installments.
INTEREST_DEBT Total amount owed in ordinary interests.
TAX_DEBT Total amount owed in ordinary taxes.
DEFAULT_INTEREST_DEBT Total amount owed in default interests.
DEFAULT_TAX_DEBT Total amount owed in default taxes.
ADMINISTRATION_COST_DEBT Total amount owed in administration cost or annual fee.
COLLECTION_COST_DEBT Total amount owed in collection costs.
TOTAL_ANNUAL_COST_RATE Rate that the account owner is paying on a yearly basis for the credit card.
INTEREST_RATE Ordinary interest rate.
DEFAULT_RATE Default interest rate.
HEALTH_STATUS Current health status of the loan: Up to date, 1 overdue installment, 1+ overdue installments, Over maximum payment date, Bad debt.
LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE Date of the last transaction made by the client.
CANCELED_ACCOUNT_DATE Maximum date by which the minimum payment must be made.
Field Description
PRE_LOAN_ID Unique identifier assigned to each pre-loan.
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account.
PRE_LOAN_AMOUNT Amount requested by the customer that had an authorization.
PRE_LOAN_STATUS Current loan status: Complete, Pending, Rejected.
MERCHANT_NAME Name of the merchant where the transaction took place.
TRANSACTION_DATE Pre-loan creation date.
CONFIRMATION_DATE Loan creation date.
Field Description
LOAN_ID Unique identifier assigned to each loan.
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account.
OFFER_ID Unique identifier assigned to the associated offer.
LOAN_AMOUNT Amount requested by the customer that was confirmed by a settlement.
LOAN_STATUS Current loan status: Active, Paid, Cancelled, Frozen, In Dispute.
NUMBER_INSTALLMENTS Number of loan installments if applicable.
INTEREST_RATE Interest rate (APR).
MERCHANT_NAME Name of the merchant where the transaction took place.
CONFIRMATION_DATE Loan creation date.
Field Description
PAYMENT_ID Unique identifier assigned to each payment.
LOAN_ID Unique identifier assigned to each loan.
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account.
PAYMENT_TYPE Type of payment given by the payment gateway (e.g., Bank Account, Credit Card, Cash, etc.).
PAYMENT_STATUS Current payment status.
TOTAL_AMOUNT Total payment amount.
CAPITAL_AMOUNT Capital payment amount.
INTEREST_AMOUNT Interest payment amount for ordinary interest.
TAX_AMOUNT Tax payment amount for ordinary interest.
DEFAULT_AMOUNT Interest payment amount for default interest.
DEFAULT_TAX_AMOUNT Tax payment amount for default interest.
ADMIN_COST_AMOUNT Administration cost payment amount (aka Annual Fee or "Cuota de Manejo").
COLLECTION_COST_AMOUNT Collection cost amount.
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATE Maximum date to pay at least the minimum payment.
PAYMENT_DATE Payment date.
Field Description
LOAN_ID Unique identifier assigned to each loan.
CUSTOMER_ID Unique identifier assigned to each customer.
CARD_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier assigned to the card account.
LOAN_AMOUNT Amount requested by the customer THAT WAS CONFIRMED BY A SETTLEMENT.
LOAN_STATUS Current loan status: Active, Paid, Cancelled, Frozen, In Dispute.
DISPUTE_RESOLUTION Dispute resolution: Won or Lost.
RESOLUTION_AMOUNT Amount won in the dispute.
DISPUTE_RESOLUTION_DATE Date when the dispute was solved.

Additional reports

If you need a custom report, get in contact with MO's support and we will developed it with your respective needs.

Download Reports

To access the reports generated by MO, you can go to the Reports page and download them individually. You can filter the reports based on the date they were created to find the one you need. Once you access the download panel, you will see your download history for the report you selected. This is illustrated in the image below.